Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
L69 7ZF, UK
email tbc at
Full Bibliography.
more links to papers and abstracts (and bibtex) can
be found from the DBLP
Bibliography Server.
fairly comprehensive bibliography is also on my
Google Scholar page.
Artificial Intelligence
and Law
I was awarded (jointly with Henry Prakken and Giovanni Sartor) the 2023
Codex Prize.
Editor in Chief Artificial
Intelligence and Law Journal
Intelligence and Law: Special
Issue marking 25 years of the International Conference on AI and Law:
(2012) 20:3 pages 215-319.
Artificial Intelligence
and Law: HYPO's Legacy: a
survey of 30 years of work on this topic
ICAIL 2013 in Rome. Photos at International
Association for AI and Law
ICAIL Workshop on Argumentation in AI
and Law: Rome June 10th 2013.
Post Workshop Resources Page.
ICAIL 2015 in San Diego. Photos.
ICAIL 2017 at Kings
College, London. Photos at
International Association for AI and Law.
2019 at University of Montreal. Photos
at International Association for AI and Law.
on the future of AI in Law (taken from Raconteur, published in the Times).
by Katie Atkinson on AI and Law.
Chief Justice's AI Advisory Group
COMMA 2012 - Vienna
I was honoured
to be invited to give the opening talk at this conference. The Long and Winding Road: Forty Years
of Argumentation.
You can see the slides or the
accompanying text. Picture 1. Picture 2.
DEXA 2013 - Prague
Slides of my keynote talk Structuring
E-Participation in Policy Making through Argumentation can
be found here
22nd November 2013
to Katie Atkinson, Henry Prakken and Adam Wyner for organising a Festschrift to mark my 60th
birthday. Thanks also to all who contributed to the book, and all
those who attended on the day. Picture.
My D.Phil Thesis Can
God be an Object of Reference?
Is available on-line.
Updated 23 January 2020