Department Seminar Series

Evidence-Based Belief Revision, a Logical Analysis

5th February 2013, 16:00 add to calenderG12
Prof. Sonja Smets
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam


I will present a logic for reasoning about evidence-based knowledge and
beliefs and the evidential dynamics of non-logically-omniscient agents.
I will adapt the key tools and techniques from Dynamic Epistemic Logic,
Justication Logic, and Belief Revision in order to provide a lightweight,
yet fine-grained approach that characterizes well-known epistemic and
doxastic attitudes in the terms of the evidential reasoning that justifies
these attitudes. As a result, I will argue that this approach can serve as
a lynchpin in the formal analysis of complex dynamic epistemological
reasoning scenarios, such as e.g. in various Gettier-type cases.

This presentation is based on joint work with A. Baltag and B. Renne at
the University of Amsterdam.
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