COMP 519: Web Programming
Autumn 2015

Assignment 1: Creating a Home Page


21 October 2015 (5pm)


For your first assignment, you are to create your own home page that will be placed on the Web. In addition to telling the world about you, your home page will serve as a central repository of Web-based applications that you develop for this module.

Learning outcomes

The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate the following learning outcomes and for me to assess your achievement of them.

Students should:

  1. have an understanding of the range of programming techniques and languages available to organisations and businesses and be able to choose an appropriate architecture for a web application.
  2. be able to demonstrate abilities to design and implement maintainable web sites.
  3. be able to make informed and critical desicisions regarding client development using HTML and JavaScript.
  4. have the knowledge to critically analyse and evaluate web applications.

Description of the task

Aside from the required elements below, the layout and content of your Web page are entirely up to you. You are encouraged to be creative and produce a document that you are proud to display to the world and that is easy to read.

At a bare minimum, your page must provide the following:

Part 1 (35 points)

Part 2 (15 points)

Part 3 (25 points)

Important note: Your page should use standard HTML (and CSS) features only, so that it will be viewable using Internet Explorer, Netscape (Firefox), Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc. While it may not look exactly the same due to inconsistencies and variations in the browser implementations, your page should look reasonable under any such browser.

Part 4 (25 points)

Your homepage should have a nice (professional) look and its code should satisfy common standards. In particular, for maximum points here, your webpage shoud satisfy the Strict XHTML 1.0 (or 1.1) standards, or the HTML5 standards (including a proper Document Type Declaration in the HTML file). You should pass it through the W3C validator. If you have any errors, you might try to run your HTML code through tidy (although this is no excuse for sloppy coding in the first place).

Submission of work

NOTE: You must submit your webpage via the Department's Coursework Submission Server. That's the "official proof" that your assignment has been submitted on time. Please include whatever files (e.g. HTML and external CSS files) are appropriate in your submission. You can create one zipped file for your submission. Please do not use the RAR (or some other proprietary) format!

When submitting your solution, don't forget to include a completed Declaration of Academic Integrity.

Also, please make your webpage available online so that I can access it via a web browser.


This assignment contributes 1/4 of the 75% continuous assessment part of the course grade. The maximum possible grade on this assignment is 100 points.

Failure in this task can be compensated by higher marks on the other assessments of the module.

COMP519 marking descriptors

GradeClassificationPercentage Qualitative Description
A*Good Distinction80+Factually almost faultless; perceptive and focused treatment of all issues. Clearly directed; logical; comprehensive coverage of topic; strong evidence of reading/research outside the material presented in the programme; substantial elements of originality and independent thought; very well written. critical and scholarly presentation.
ADistinction70-79Logical; enlightening; originality of thought or approach; good coverage of topic; clear, in-depth understanding of material; good focus; good evidence of outside reading/research; very well written and directed.
BGood Pass60-69Logical; thorough; factually sound (no serious errors); good understanding of material; evidence of outside reading/research; exercise of critical judgement; some originality of thought or approach; well written and directed.
CPass50-59Worthy effort, but undistinguished outcome. Essentially correct, but possibly missing important points or inadequate treatment. Largely derived from material delivered in the programme, but with some evidence of outside reading/research; some evidence of critical judgement; some weaknesses in expression/presentation.
DCompensatable Fail40-49Incomplete coverage of topic; evidence of poor understanding of material; Poor presentation; lack of coherent argument. Very basic approach to a narrow or misguided selection of material. Lacking in background and/or flawed in structure.
FFail< 40Serious omissions; significant errors/misconceptions; poorly directed at targets; evidence of inadequate effort. Shallow and poorly presented work showing failure in understanding.

Late submissions

The University's standard policy on lateness penalties will be applied with respect to the latest electronic submission of the assessment. See Section 6 of the Code of Practice on Assessment for further details.