The dGKBIS project (GR/J/14615) was an EPSRC funded research project to investigate the application of spatial reasoning techniques to GIS applications - particularly Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) applications. The aim was to identify a suitable representation that will allow spatial reasoning techniques to be applied to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data while at the same time supporting all the functionality associated with traditional GIS systems.
The project started in October 1994 and was successfully completed in April 1997. Principal results include the development of a spatial representation based on a tesseral approach and the SPARTA (SPAtial Reasoning using Tesseral Addressing) spatial reasoning system. The tesseral representation had the effect of linearising space while at the same time supporting the description of multi-dimensional objects and the relationships that can exist between those objects (in any direction and through any number of dimensions). This representation was incorporated into the SPARTA system which in turn was applied to a number of application scenarios.
The project was awarded top ratings by the EPSRC: ALPHA 5 for scientific and technologocal merit, and ALPHA 5 for management and use of resources.
Currently work is in progress which seeks to extend the research base established by the dGKBIS project.
A number of notes
and documents associated with the project are available for
local access only.
Created and maintained by Frans Coenen. Last updated 07 January 2008