David Jackson's Home Page
Contact Information:
Dr. David Jackson
Department of Computer Science
Ashton Building, Ashton Street
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3BX
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)151 795 4248
Fax: +44 (0)151 795 4235
Welcome to my home page. I am a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science here at the University of Liverpool. (I am also a published author of crime novels, but you can read about that elsewhere).
My current research interest is in the area of evolutionary computing - in particular, genetic programming.
Some of my recent publications in the field are listed here.
I have also served on a number of programme committees for evolutionary computing conferences; recent ones include:
EuroGP 2011
EuroGP 2010
IEEE CEC 2009 "Evolutionary Optimization" track
IEEE CEC 2009 "Collective Evolution and Self-Adaptation" track
IEEE CEC 2009 "BioComputing & Complex Adaptive Systems: From Theory to Practice" track
Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL) 2008
GECCO 2008
Prior to working on evolutionary computing, I undertook research on a number of diverse topics including Visual Programming Languages, Computer-Assisted Education, and Digital Logic Simulation. In all, I have over 70 refereed publications.
I am currently teaching:
COMP103: Computer Systems
COMP517: Object-Oriented Software Development
I also supervise Honours and MSc projects.
In the past, I have taught on subjects such as Systems Programming, Compiler Design, and Computer Architectures. I have also written and delivered a short course for industry on Unix Programming.
I was one of the first recipients of the Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, and received further nominations for it in several subsequent years.
I was also one of the first to be awarded a two-year Teaching Fellowship.
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Duties include:
- dealing with student problems, withdrawals, suspension of studies and changes of registration
- dealing with matters related to the structure of programmes of study
- writing Annual Programme Monitoring Reports, including analysis of admissions and progression statistics
- updating programme specifications
- liaising with Admissions Tutor over direct entry students, transfer students, and articulation agreements with other institutions
- involvement in the preparation of documentation such as the Student Handbook and Welcome Pack material
- attendance at and input to all UG examiners meetings
- responding to external examiners' reports
- giving overview talks on Open Days and UCAS visits
Senior Tutor for the School
Duties include:
- overall responsibility for the planning, implementation and maintenance of the personal tutoring scheme for all students within the School
- acting as a resource to staff within the School with reference to pastoral support
- providing advice and support for all personal tutors within the School
- providing support and advice to students at progress committees at School and Faculty levels
- acting as a primary point of contact for student support services within the School
Member of Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee
Duties include:
- approval of new programmes and new modules
- approval of major changes to programmes and modules
- approval of departmental/school responses to external examiners' reports
- provision of feedback on departmental/school Annual Programme Monitoring Reports
- consideration of issues related to academic quality and standards
Member of Moderating and Mitigating Circumstances Committee
- moderation of modules and review of mitigating circumstances claims
Member of Teaching Quality Working Group
- responsible for teaching quality issues in connection with institutional audits, periodic reviews and accreditation visits
Member of Board of Studies in Computer Science
Member of Departmental Progression Committee
- interviewing failing and weak students