@INPROCEEDINGS{Hustadt+Dixon+Schmidt+Fisher+Meyer+van_der_Hoek@TIME2001, AUTHOR = {Hustadt, Ullrich and Dixon, Clare and Schmidt, Renate A. and Fisher, Michael and Meyer, John-Jules and van der Hoek, Wiebe}, TITLE = {Reasoning about agents in the {KARO} framework}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME-01) [Cividale del Friuli, Italy, 14-16 June 2001]}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Bettini, Claudio and Montanari, Angelo}, PAGES = {206-213}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, PADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, PYEAR = {2001}, CADDRESS = {Cividale del Friuli, Italy}, CYEAR = {2001}, CMONTH = jun # {~14--16}, URL = {Hustadt+Dixon+Schmidt+Fisher+Meyer+van_der_Hoek@TIME2001.pdf}, URL = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TIME.2001.930719}, ABSTRACT = {This paper proposes two methods for realising automated reasoning about agent-based systems. The framework for modelling intelligent agent behaviour that we focus on is a core of KARO logic, an expressive combination of various modal logics including propositional dynamic logic, a modal logic of knowledge, a modal logic of wishes, and additional non-standard operators. The first method we present is based on a translation of core KARO logic to first-order logic combined with first-order resolution. The second method uses an embedding of core KARO logic into a combination of branching-time temporal logic CTL and multi-modal S5 plus a clausal resolution calculus for these combined logics. We discuss the advantages and shortcomings of each approach and suggest ways to extend each variant to cover more of the KARO framework.} }