Efficient Control of Temporal Reasoning

Efficient Control of Temporal Reasoning
The aim of this PhD project is to develop techniques to improve the efficiency of temporal reasoning. Such reasoning underlies much of the research carried out within the Logic and Computation Group. As temporal reasoning is inherently complex, methods to prune the search space and to guide the reasoner are essential. Improvements in efficiency will thus allow these techniques to be applied to larger and more complex problems, hence tackling new applications such as security of distributed systems and knowledge representation.

The representation of dynamic activity via a temporal logic formalism is used in a wide variety of areas within Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, for example Robotics [1], Databases [2], Program Specification [3], Hardware Verification [4], and Agent-Based Systems [5]. Temporal logics are extensions of classical logic that have been used successfully in the specification of safety, liveness and fairness properties in a range of dynamic systems. Such a logical representation of a system then permits the analysis of the system's properties via logical proof. As part of our ongoing research, we have developed a proof method for temporal logics based upon the use of clausal resolution [6,7]. This has been defined, proved correct, implemented and extended in a number of ways. While this is a simple and powerful approach, the practical mechanisation of temporal proof is often very expensive in terms of both time and space required. For example, while our clausal temporal resolution approach has been successfully employed for a range of problems, experiments have shown that, in a number of cases, the basic method leads to the generation of an unnecessarily large set of formulas during the proof. As the majority of these formulas are irrelevant to the refutation, it is clear that refinements are needed if more complex reasoning tasks are to be attempted.

Project Outline
In simpler logics, clausal resolution has been shown to be amenable to efficient implementation, often through the control of proof using high-level strategies [8]. Thus, the aim of this project is to attempt to develop, apply and analyse such strategies within the context of temporal resolution. There are several ways that this might be achieved, two of which we have already examined from a theoretical viewpoint. The first approach, adopted in [9], is to refine the temporal resolution method to allow the application of a novel temporal resolution rule earlier in the proof. The output of this rule application is then used to guide subsequent steps, thus providing the potential for much more flexibility and avoiding the generation of irrelevant information. Typically, in order to use this approach effectively, a suitable sophisticated high-level control strategy will be needed.

The second approach concerns such high-level strategies for guiding proof search. In resolution-based theorem-provers developed for classical logics, a particularly successful strategy for avoiding the generation of redundant information during proof has been the set of support strategy, which restricts the application of a resolution rule (using semantic or syntactic information from the formula being proved) thus pruning part of the search space. This has led to very efficient proof techniques for classical logics, even reaching the stage where automated theorem-proving systems can now solve open problems within Mathematics [10]. We have examined the set of support strategy within the context of temporal resolution [11], and have shown how it can potentially aid the practical efficiency of temporal reasoning systems. Thus, the core part of this project is to combine the two approaches above and examine the practical efficiency of such combined strategies.

Further strategies concerning the ordering of proof steps to be undertaken have been developed for classical logics. Essentially, components of each formula are given numerical values and inference steps are dependent upon these values. The method of attributing these values and deciding whether inferences are allowed controls what, and how much, information can be derived. A second part of the project is to analyse and, if possible, transfer such ordering strategies from the classical to the temporal context. The final aspect of the project concerns the application and analysis of the temporal reasoning system developed on a range of larger examples, extracted from real-world applications.


  1. M. Shanahan, Solving the Frame Problem. MIT Press, 1997.
  2. J. Chomicki and G. Saake, eds, Logics for Databases and Information Systems. Kluwer, 1998.
  3. Z. Manna and A. Pnueli, The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems: Specification, Springer-Verlag, 1992
  4. G. Holzmann. The Model-Checker SPIN. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 23(5), 1997.
  5. A. Rao and M. Georgeff. Modeling Rational Agents within a BDI-Architecture. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning . Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1991.
  6. M. Fisher. A Resolution Method for Temporal Logic. In Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,1991.
  7. C. Dixon, Temporal Resolution using a Breadth-First Search Algorithm. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 22. Baltzer Science Publishers, 1998.
  8. L. Wos, R. Overbeek, E. Lusk and J. Boyle. Automated Reasoning: Introduction and Applications, Prentice-Hall International, 1984.
  9. M. Fisher and C. Dixon, Guiding Clausal Temporal Resolution. In Advances in Temporal Logic, Kluwer Academic Publishers, to appear in 1999.
  10. W. McCune, Solution of the Robbins Problem. Journal of Automated Reasoning 19(3), 1997.
  11. C. Dixon and M. Fisher, The Set of Support Strategy in Temporal Resolution. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Temporal Reasoning. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.

Project Environment
The work will take place within the Logic and Computation Research Group within the Department of Computer Science, under the supervision of Michael Fisher, who has an international reputation in logic, agent-based systems and programming languages, and Clare Dixon, who has an international reputation in temporal reasoning, automated theorem-proving, and verification.

 If you require any further details concerning this project, contact Michael Fisher (M.Fisher@csc.liv.ac.uk)