Web Document Analysis
Challenges and Opportunities

Formatting Instructions

LaTeX users
World Scientific provides LaTeX class and example files. We strongly encourage you to use them.

Note: In the publisher's sample file, in the References section, the titles of papers do not appear. Please make sure you include the title for each reference in your submission: insert it after the author name(s) in each \bibitem(). For example:

D. R. Bates, Title of this Article, {\it Phys. Rev.} {\bf 78}, 492 (1950).


You can download the LaTeX  files from the publisher's site.

MS-Word users
World Scientific does not provide a template or sample files for MS-Word. We have tried to create a sample document that is as close as possible to the required format. You can use this sample to create your manuscript. A PDF version of this sample document is also available.

Please note that the definitive format is that specified by the publisher in  LaTeX. You should always compare your final manuscript with the publisher's sample.